CS373 Week 14: David Durairaj

David Durairaj
2 min readMay 4, 2019

1. What did you do this past week?

This past week, I submitted my last assignments for OOP and SWE! Both assignments were not as difficult as their predecessors, but for both projects, my team had to work all the way till the deadline to get everything in. Additionally, the fact that Gitlab went down for an hour on the same night when both assignments were due didn’t help. I completed the video I needed to edit for one of my organization’s end of year semi-formal event and finalized all my plans for my internship this summer. All in all, it was a productive week.

2. What’s in your way?

Exam season is upon us. Right now the final exams for both OOP and SWE are in my way. Both exams hold enough wait to make or break a good grade, so I need to prepare for them. And while they aren’t “final” exams, I forecast these two exams to be much harder than my actual final exams.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week, the only thing I will be doing is studying for my OOP and SWE exams. On Friday, I will be attending my organization’s end-of-year semi-formal event which I look forward to. I will also try to get some exercise and rest in as well.

4. What did you think of the talk by Miriam?

Miriam’s talk was a very good experience. As she herself stated, being able to listen to the story of someone who has accomplished much in 10 years and taken a similar path to yourself is a great learning experience. I was impressed by what she had achieved in the market place, and I could also see how her travels had given her a unique perspective in business and management. I was also interested to hear that she pursued an MBA from The University of Pennsylvania (Wharton).

5. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick-of-the-week is the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. CNCF is an opensource foundation made up of a collection of opensource projects. You may have heard of Kubernetes, which is the world’s leading container-orchestration platform and a CNCF project. However, some other popular CNCF projects include Prometheus, which provides monitoring for cloud-native applications, Envoy, which is a service mesh for microservices and Fluentd, a log aggregation tool. I highly recommend you check out these and other projects from CNCF.




David Durairaj

Software Engineer @ Prime Video Sports | Hook 'em 🤘